
Out Of Ministry and In Again

August 14, 2012

Sitting in the bar car of CHEPE as it rolls into Sinaloa out of Chihuahua in Copper Canyon, Mexico. There is a chatter of Mexicans- my observation as I walk from car to car that I am the only gringo on this train of 1500 people or so. So I am happy, challenged, purposeful, not really knowing what tomorrow holds.


Some things never change.


How did we go from 30 some years of direct “ministry” to this day by day ministry? I am not really sure. It was not planned. It was not expected. It was like a push from God and we had no idea.


So now I am this guy that the train stewards introduce as the Americano who promotes Chihuahua with all his heart. As they guy with passion for the Sierras.  As the “relationship machine” who knows everyone. As the “gringo alegre”.All of those are exaggerations but I and WE (Debbie and I) have made a huge commitment to this place—to these people.


“Dead end” is the best way to describe where we were and I am deeply thankful to Seth Godin and my good wife for helping to clarify that “stuck”reality back there in late 2007. There was just no going on and it was obvious.


I think many get to this point but they just go on to the detriment of the kingdom. And to the detriment of those around them. Had I not jumped- quit- left for another planet, I would be deeply stuck right now as would little Grace Community and that little corner in the work of God.


But we left. Leaving was always one of those Jesus principles that I taught about- naively- I guess (Actually most of what I preached on I had no idea of what it really meant and only now am I “getting it” just a bit)


Just now the owner of one of the major tour companies in northern Mexico came over to introduce himself to the “guy who promotes us in the United States”. Not sure how all this happened but I am glad to be a part of it.


And here is what is top of mind right now as I roll through majesty in the Sierra Madres:

  • I think actually I am more “into” ministry than ever before.


  • We can never predict transitions but we can resist them and delay them until we die.


  • So what transition is knocking at the door right now?


Relaxing after a long day on the Copper Canyon train.

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